Beachmere Assist has opened its doors to help Beachmere locals connect to a variety of services and advice.
Beachmere local, Robyn Hanson, suggested the advocacy group which will help locals connect to Government services or with volunteers who can help with errands like shopping or just getting to doctor’s appointments.
“We will lobby for more services in the Beachmere area and arrange visits from various groups to ensure locals are getting all the help they need,” Robyn said.
“Every Tuesday from 9am till Noon at the Beach Shak Café in Biggs Ave, we will be available for locals to drop in, grab a cuppa’, have a chat or get some help.”
“We also need volunteers to assist and get involved and they can pop down and get some more information.”
People interested in attending or volunteering can contact Robyn at or call 0418 301 540.