Beachmere may only be a small village, sometimes hidden, sometimes forgotten, but it has shown itself to have true community spirit on more than one occasion.
In its latest show of strength, support for the Beachmere Community Bank®, has seen the community already pledge over one quarter of the total required within just six short months.
Chairman of the Project Steering Committee, Dale Martin, said the interest in and support for the Bank was very exciting. “We are so pleased to have reached a quarter of the total pledges needed to get the Beachmere Community Bank® open.”
“You can help us achieve our very own bank for Beachmere by finding out how to pledge, to buy shares or by opening an account at the local Agency Branch. With around twelve months to save your pledge, why not open an account at the local Agency and save your way to supporting Beachmere.”
“Opening the Bendigo Bank Agency here in Beachmere, in the B-News beside IGA, has been a large part of securing people’s interest and has shown we are 100% behind opening our own Community Bank”, he said.
“The Project Steering Committee are working hard to make a Community Bank a reality, which will benefit not only Beachmere, but the surrounding areas like Ningi, Bribie, Caboolture, Donnybrook, Toorbul and Meldale.” The Community are putting their money behind this project and showing the big banks that people do have a choice.
For more information about the Beachmere Community Bank® contact Dale Martin on 0411 444 093 or Karen Harris on 0402 114 201 or email info@bcbsc.org.