Bribie Island Garden Club have a wishing well each year of which the members donated $1,600 in the past 2 years. For the past 2 years their wishing well, donation has to a 2-year-old little girl Dylan who requires major surgery to her legs. She has Fibular Hemimelia and PFFD Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency, which means she has no fibular in her legs and heals. Mum Renee Monck said they thought they may have to go over seas for Dylan’s operation, however they may have found a surgeon here in Australia.
Dylan and her Mother Renee received the cheque at the General Meeting of the Bribie Island Garden Club Wednesday 24th January at the RSL Auditorium.
All members of the Bribie Island Garden Club raised the money on their own, the money has helped go towards the cost of her Walker and a Wheelchair for little Dylan. She requires the walker and wheelchair for her development in the future. The Wheelchair alone cost $4,500.
Little Dylan is also eligible for an assistance dog however the cost of training an assistance dog is such that the family must raise $20,000 before this is possible. Bribie Island Garden Club are calling on our community to help to raise much needed funds for little Dylan. An assistance dog would give Dylan confidence and independence.
Bribie Island Garden Club would need your suggestions on raising money and any help would be much appreciated. If you can assist in any way, please contact Lee James the President on 3408 6058. There is also a go fund me page called Dylan needs life changing surgery. We at the ISLAND and Surrounds urge you to donate some money to help one of gorgeous little girls to help her get this surgery. Poolwerx Bribie Island will be hosting a sale day on the 3rd of March and you can meet Dylan and her family there. See their advertisement in this paper. You will see what a darling she is and despite her incredible disability she is a typical beautiful little 2 year old. Come on Bribie Lets get behind Dylan and her Family and make this happen for her!!!!!