The Beachmere Community Bank Project Steering Committee is hosting an Information Night on Monday 11 June for those who would like to learn more about the proposed Community Bank that will service the Pumicestone and Caboolture area.
"Having reached a quarter of our required target of local pledges to support the bank”, Steering Committee Chairman Dale Martin said. "We are excited that the reality of opening a Community Bank, that puts money back into the community, is drawing closer.”
Dale says that the Information Night will give people the opportunity to meet the Steering Committee who are driving the project and hear from Malcolm Frizzell, Bendigo Bank Regional Community Manager. Malcolm has, over the last eighteen years, been involved with the successful development of Community Banks in the Brisbane and Southwest QLD regions.
During the evening Malcolm will cover the benefits of having a Community Bank in the local area. For those that have already pledged, and people that are interested in pledging, the evening will provide an opportunity to have any questions answered about the project.
The Information Night will be held on Monday, 11 June: 6pm for 6.30pm start till 8pm at Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Avenue,
To RSVP for the evening please email info@bcbsc.org and for further information contact Dale 0411 444 093 or Karen on 0402 114 201.