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Senior’s Week

With a growing community and a significant increase in population, the age gap is expanding and communication between younger and older generations is decreasing. Older members of the community are also becoming less recognised, however the government plans to change that. Every year, the Queensland government organises a week that is an opportunity for Queensland citizens to recognise the valuable contributions that older members make to our society. In 2018, the week has been organised to run from the eighteenth to the twenty-sixth of August and has a main focus on encouraging Queenslanders of all ages to join together to recognise and celebrate what senior members of society bring to communities. Senior’s week also aims to further improve societies attitudes as a whole towards ageing and older citizens. It pushes to create a positive stigma around generational gaps and encourages younger people to listen and learn about different times and age groups. Another key aspect of the week is to help facilitate a larger amount of community participation, with participation in clubs such as rotary being heavily encouraged. Activities and social interaction is also supported and endorsed by the government, which not only aims to create friendship between older people it also pushes for the inclusion of older members that may come from indigenous, culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The combination of these activities is working towards an outcome where stronger community connections are made, and inter-generational relationships are used to help create a further understanding of past decades and important events. During this time in August, older members of society are encouraged to engage and talk about current events. Queensland Seniors Week is coordinated by the Council on the Ageing (COTA), QLD. Not only have they run this event for numerous years, but it also receives funding from the Queensland Government. This funding helps to plan, run and provide subsidies of $100,000 (in total) which allows for multiple organisations across all of Queensland plan and execute events and activities. This event has always been successful and the COTA Queensland, a non-profit organisation, is further working to advance the rights and needs of people as they age. Both the State Government and COTA Queensland, value the contributions made such as volunteer work, people becoming advocates and community leaders. The council fully supports the Queensland vision of building more age-friendly communities. Progressions in society make it vital that inter-generational friendships can be strongly formed, and cultural traditions are continued. With Bribie Island having large numbers of older members and increasing numbers of younger citizens it is important all generations are respected. It is significant that all members of the community are recognised for their contribution and are appreciated.

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