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Queenslanders urged to prepare for the weeks and months ahead due to fire threat

A recent run of wildfires prompted Fire and Emergency Services Minister Craig Crawford to remind Queenslanders to be on alert and ensure they have prepared their properties.

Mr Crawford said the state was in the grip of bushfire season and several recent blazes had shown “fires can start anywhere, at any time so it is important for all of us to be prepared”.

“Dangerous fire weather conditions took hold in the south-east and south-west corners of the state over the weekend and moved north to central and western Queensland, with the fire danger reaching ‘very high’ in many areas,” Mr Crawford said.

“Over the weekend we saw bushfires threaten properties at Tallegalla, Mutdapilly, Ballandean and Linville, scorching hundreds of hectares. It was testament to the great work of fire crews that they were able to gain the upper hand at these fires and prevent them spreading.

“I would like to thank the residents in these areas for paying attention to the warnings and following the direction of local crews.

“While conditions have eased somewhat in the past 24 hours, we can expect to see fire dangers rise again in the coming days and they will reach heightened levels regularly in the near future.”

Mr Crawford said Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) staff and volunteers had been working hard to “ensure communities are protected against the impacts of wild fires”.

“But I want to remind people of the role they can play in bushfire mitigation,” Mr Crawford said.

“By taking action now to reduce fuel loads, residents can minimise the risk to their homes, neighbours and communities. It’s safeguards such as putting in fire breaks, mowing lawns and removing clippings, wood piles or green waste from yards that can protect homes and save lives when fires strike.

“And households should also have a Bushfire Survival Plan, so they know how to prepare and what action to take if threatened by a bushfire,” he said.

Mr Crawford urged people to immediately report any sign of fire to Triple Zero (000).

KEEP UP-TO-DATE BY: •           Following QFES on Facebook (@QldFireandRescueService) and Twitter (@QldFES) •           Staying tuned to your local radio station

  • Visiting the Rural Fire Service (RFS) website at

FURTHER INFORMATION: •           For bushfire preparation tips, visit the RFS website: •           For information about road closures, call 13 19 40 or visit

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