Beachmere Area Network Group (BANG) has organised a Public Meeting to gauge interest, and gain support, to establish a U3A campus in Beachmere.
BANG President, Karen Harris, said U3A campuses at both Bribie Island and Caboolture were at, or near, capacity and it was a sensible decision to start a campus in Beachmere.
“A number of Beachmere residents travel to Bribie or Caboolture to tutor or attend classes. It is only sensible that we should alleviate the demand on those campuses and give Beachmere locals a campus of it’s very own,” Karen said.
U3A stands for University of the Third Age and the U3A Queensland website says “Each U3A is a community organisation which promotes healthy aging by sharing educational, creative and leisure activities provided by their own members. We ask for no qualification for membership and we award no degrees or diplomas.”
“It’s a community initiative found all over the world. Tutors need no qualifications, just a sound knowledge of a particular subject and the wish to share that knowledge,” Karen said.
“We have already had a number of people get in touch and offer to tutor classes, just as we have had many people ask for classes in a subject they are interested in.”
“We have the support of both Bribie and Caboolture U3A and, with their support, and the residents of Beachmere, we hope to get the first classes running for first term 2019,” Karen said.
The Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 30 October at 2pm at the ex RSL / Bowls Club in Main Street, Beachmere. For further information email or call 0456 818 017.

Photo supplied, from left Ann Brooks, VP Bribie U3A and Karen Harris, President BANG