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Singing to your plants

Well its an old adage expression, but is their any proof to this theory that singing, or playing music can alter the growth of plants? It’s a very interesting subject for me, as I have come full circle in my thinking and have become more aware that plant health and human health are directly influenced by our natural chemistry. For example, pH levels in the body have a direct correlation to nutrient absorption and digestion in our bodies, but in regard to soil- media for plants, some nutrients can be locked chemically and become unavailable to plants if the soil is too acidic or overly alkaline. Also, if the natural good bacteria in our gut has been compromised due to strong antibiotics, then the process of nutrient absorption is also compromised, and nutrient deficiencies can occur resulting in the need for vitamin supplementation. Also, with soils, the delicate microorganisms designed to break down organic matter and release nutrients can also be wiped out with excessive chemical usage. Then repopulating the soil with healthy bacteria and fungi, becomes our focus if we want strong plants that are resilient to fluctuations in environmental conditions. But how does music or singing to your plants compare here? And how do plants actually respond?

Well over the centuries it is been well documented and accepted that high pitch vibrations can stimulate plant growth and some frequencies can be music to our ears also, and some can even break wine glasses accordingly at higher frequencies, but a few years ago, scientists at the University of California, San Diego in the United States discovered a signal- mechanism that controls a plants stomata (the miniscule little breathing holes situated underneath the leaves of plants that regulate gas exchange and transpiration). The two cells that form the stoma consist of specialised guard cells that are attuned to the resonant frequency of calcium. When exposed to this frequency the stomata would close. Also, when plants were exposed to various music, bird song and high frequency tones, the plants vibrate and stimulated the stomata to remain open, even though the exact frequencies did not match the calcium one, the tones had a direct effect on the plant’s gas exchange and transpiration.

So, all those Bach flower remedies with their purported vibrational energies derived from flowers into essences, were on the right path after all. I would hate to think that playing music to the plant would stimulate the stomata to open at the detriment of the plants health, resulting in the plants to overly transpire and subsequently wilt as we have altered its natural transpiration system- on a hot day, but perhaps everything in moderation I guess; just one song in the morning will suffice. I will have to control myself indeed! Interestingly, the various proteins of plants which consist of amino acids are thought to have their own frequencies too, and there is research being conducted on the effects of resonance to the human body-called, Transcutaneous Electroneural Stimulation or (TENS), which studies specific frequencies that stimulate the generation of specific substances in the body. Apparently, a frequency of 10 HZ, is thought to stimulate the creation of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter and also (an amino acid). And it looks like it really does come down to the good vibes after all. That explains why the ‘Bee Gees’- had us all in the palm of their hand I guess, with that famous tune- “I am picking up good vibrations- oom bob bob”. Well on that note, stay ‘tuned’- to next issue Until then- May your plants sing back!

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