Beachmere Assist has been operating for over twelve months and in January
2019 it finds a new home at the Beachmere Community Hall in Progress Avenue.
"It's an opportunity to get out of the house, make some new friends or catch up with some old ones," Beachmere Assist Co-ordinator Dave Woodhead said.
"Every Tuesday between 9am and 11am, locals can find a cuppa and a chat.
With our new, larger location in "the shed" at the Community Hall we can
encourage even more locals to come along. It's great to see everyone
having a chat."
Beachmere Area Network Group has been co-ordinating and promoting Beachmere Assist since it commenced in December 2017 and it is hoped that the group will continue to provide an opportunity to combat isolation and loneliness in the community in the future. Volunteers are always welcome and can contact BANG on 0456 818 017 or at