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U3A Beachmere will commence it's inaugural class term with over 20 classes and workshops on it's Program.

Although only launching in October 2018, the new campus has made a significant start: finding a venue, opening an office and launching a program with a range of classes to suit nearly everybody in just under three months.

U3A Beachmere Steering Committee Chair, David Newell said, "It has been a very big job for the Committee and everyone is very excited to be starting out with such a large and diverse Program for Term One."

"We have an amazing team that have pulled all this together in such a short space of time," he said. "We have had a great deal of interest in the Program and in joining U3A Beachmere and we are all very proud of bringing U3A to Beachmere."

If you miss the Sign On Day on Friday, 18 January from 11am to 2pm, the U3A office at the Beachmere Community Hall, 5 Progress Ave will be open from Monday, 21 January from 8.30am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday and then throughout Term One until 5 April.

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