Kids Fishing Day a Huge Success!
By Bribie Island Anglers Inc.
It is a strong commitment of Bribie Island Anglers foundation Treasurer, Wayne Baker, for the new club to encourage young anglers. This happened last Sunday when as part of Sunfish Queensland’s programme, the club held a Kid’s Fishing Day at Banksia Beach.
The event was supported by local State member Simone Wilson providing printing, marquees and give-aways. The MBRC, through Brooke Savige, made the venue available and her donation provided refreshments and lunch for all. Sunfish gave each child a new rod and reel and Morayfield Health Hub provided them with a Tackle Box. Local business, Southern Fish Marine at Spinnaker Sound were generous supporters and our club gave each child a cap and a beach chair to enhance their future fishing experiences.
Sunfish instructors started the day with hands-on bait catching, 31 kids and parents having fun in the sand wrestling yabbies and then tuition on -.
· Bag limits and rules for freshwater and or saltwater fishing in Queensland · Fishing with soft plastics and or bait
· Knot tying
· Rigging lines and casting
· Bait and rigs for fishing
· Recreational Fishing Code of Conduct
· Practical fishing session .
The importance of fishing sustainably . Caring for our environment.
A delicious hamburger lunch was prepared by the Bribie Island Vietnam Veterans and then all the new skills were tested in search of tasty fish dinner.
Event Planner, Peter Hunt said “Sunfish, all the sponsors of the day and particularly the parents who brought their kids along should be congratulated on their commitment to the healthy development of our next generation. 31 youngsters took part and it’s hoped some, if not all of them, were encouraged to spend more healthy days outdoors on our beautiful beaches, appreciating the environment and having fun.”