Bribie Island Road and Bridge has not kept pace with the significant growth in tourism and developments that has taken place in the Pumicestone Electorate over the past 5 to 10 years. Bribie Island Road is the main connecting route that takes people to work, brings them home to their family and loved ones and is a lifeline for local businesses and tourism in our area. Major infrastructure investment is needed to upgrade this road and bridge that so many rely on every day – upgrades to reduce congestion and travel times and improve safety for all commuters. In July 2018, the Federal Government acknowledged the urgent need to fix priority pinch points like the Old Toorbul Point Road intersection by providing $20 million in funding. This money has been sitting ready and waiting in Canberra for the State Government to do its part. No more delays – fix Bribie Island Road.
What: Public Forum – Fix Bribie Island Road
When: Sunday, March 17th 2019 at 10.30am (a press conference will be held at the conclusion of the forum – expected to be held at 11.30am)
Where: Corner of Sylvan Beach Esplanade and Benabrow Avenue, Bellara (just off the Bridge)
Who: Presented by Simone Wilson MP, State Member for Pumicestone and joined by Tim Mander MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Treasurer and Steve Minnikin MP, Shadow Minister for Transport and Main Roads.
(Note: formal invitations have been extended to Cr Allan Sutherland, Mayor MBRC; Cr Brooke Savige, Division 1 MBRC; Cr Peter Flannery, Division 2 MBRC; Susan Lamp MP, Federal Member for Longman and Mark Bailey MP, Qld Minister for Transport and Main Roads).
Contact: Sally Grant - 3474 2100/0425 559 832
Photos: Arial images of congestion available on request.
The aim of the Public Forum is to provide the opportunity for the public to hear from their representatives on this important issue for the region. It will also provide an opportunity for the community to voice their concerns, ideas and hopes for Bribie Island Road (and Bridge) and have Government hear their voices.