I thought it would be great to warm the cockles of your hearts with some images of some beautiful winter blooming plants that are flowering locally around the place this month. The showstopper is- in my opinion, the orange trumpet vine Pyrostegia venusta, as I drove past this plant flowering in Bongaree. The orange trumpet vine looks rather inconspicuous most of the year until it bursts into flower in mid-winter putting on a spectacle with mases of orange tubular flowers. The orange trumpet vine is now actually considered a potential environmental weed in Queensland and New South Wales. Therefore, I am definitely not recommending propagating this plant for distribution but if kept in check and trained on a structure, what a magnificent sight to behold with fiery orange trumpet flowers on every inch of the vine. Also Images of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and Metrosideros Collina ‘Little Dugald’, adding some colour, vibrancy and warmth to your winter’s day!