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Kenneth E Park


The approved noise levels given by Moreton Bay Regional Council to Sandstone Point Hotel for its rock concerts are well outside the allowable  limits and the noise being experienced by neighbours is completely unreasonable according to Ross Palmer. Mr Palmer is a very qualified and respected noise consultant. Palmer Acoustics was commissioned by the Pumicestone Area Noise Abatement Group inc, PANAG, to do independent sound monitoring during the concert on 25th May and to advise on the lawfully permitted noise levels for this location. Mr Palmer reported that the conditions imposed by Council did not comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Authority or the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation; and that the noise generated greatly exceeds all acceptable standards. Copies of the report have been given to every MBRC councillor, the CEO and the Planning Department.

President of PANAG, Ken Park commented: “We have paid for this report ourselves and it should never have been needed if the council had managed the approval process a lot better and had managed the noise limits within state requirements. Council has now agreed to accept and consider the report, which is an excellent start, and we hope that further discussions can be based on facts and in a spirit of cooperation, consultation and openness. Rather than go straight to the Planning and Environment Court with an appeal, at great expense to ratepayers, we are willing to talk this through with the council.  The effected residents have shown themselves to be very reasonable people but we do insist that residents must be able to relax on weekends and to live in peace in their homes. It’s a basic human right, a basic democratic right.”

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