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Vote of no confidence in Labor from Queensland businesses Says Tim Mander MP, Shadow Treasurer!

The latest Sensis Business Index released today has revealed support for the Palaszczuk Labor Government from small and medium sized businesses has hit rock bottom.

LNP Deputy Leader and Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander said that Queensland businesses are struggling under the complete lack of leadership from Annastacia Palaszczuk and her continued assault of job-destroying taxes.

“It’s no surprise that only 1 in 5 small and medium businesses would consider voting for Labor if an election was held tomorrow,*” Mr Mander said.

“Shamefully, over a quarter of respondents (26.3%) believe the Palaszczuk Labor Government is actively working against small business.**

“Annastacia Palaszczuk’s anti-business agenda has introduced 10 new or increased taxes, ripping $3.5 billion from the pockets of Queenslanders.

“The Palaszczuk Labor Government’s addiction to tax is costing Queensland jobs and grinding our economy to a halt.

“The hard-left anti-business agenda being driven by Annastacia Palaszczuk is destroying Queensland’s economy and has driven the unemployment rate to the highest in mainland Australia.

“Whether it’s wage growth, economic growth, construction or business confidence; all indicators lag the Australian average.

“All that Annastacia Palaszczuk has given Queensland over the past five years is higher taxes, more debt, less jobs and less infrastructure.”

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