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Local Lads (Bongaree Bowls Club Div 5) won Moreton Bay District Bowls Pennant Finals this month

The Moreton Bay District Bowls Association held the Men’s Pennant finals for all divisions at Bribie Island Bowls Club on Sunday the 8th September.

Bongaree Bowls Club 5th Division team successfully beat Dayboro to win the final in that division.

Congratulations to the 12 players who played on Sunday. They were Barry France, Barney, Bruce Rawson, Ian Virgen, Merv Miles, Brett Sellars, Brien Skerten, Max Nganeko, Jake Mc Garry, Glen Merrin, Pat Pierce and Arne Jensen. As the competition is played over 11 weeks there were other players who helped this team to reach the finals. WELL DONE BOYS.

Brooke Savige, Division 1 Councillor for MBRC was there to support the teams.

This team will now participate in the Men’s South East Qld Zone Pennant Finals in October.

Keep up the good work.

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