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Terms of reference set for NAPLAN review

The Queensland, New South Wales and Victorian Governments have today outlined the Terms of Reference for the Review into NAPLAN ahead of Education Council tomorrow.

Queensland Education Minister Grace Grace said Queensland looked forward to contributing the research and information it had gathered through its own review of NAPLAN undertaken in 2018.

“Our review identified that NAPLAN had played a role in supporting improvements in Queensland’s educational outcomes, but that there were a range of unintended consequences stemming from the now high-stakes nature of the testing,” Ms Grace said.

“If students, parents and educators are to have confidence in national testing, we must ensure that it remains relevant and credible. This review will go some way in achieving this.

“We would welcome the Commonwealth or any other state or territory government joining the review to ensure as many stakeholders as possible can have their say.”

The Review will identify what a standardised testing regime in Australian schools should deliver, assess how well NAPLAN achieves this, and identify short and longer-term improvements that can be made.

The review will also consider whether NAPLAN is meeting the needs of governments, schools, parents and students – including how accurate and appropriate the test is, whether the right year levels being tested and how well the test assesses student and system performance over time.

The Review will draw on evidence from international assessment programs and other recent reviews of NAPLAN to identify best practice and inform the Review’s recommendations. 

A panel of education experts will lead the review including Emeritus Professor Barry McGaw, Professor Claire Wyatt-Smith and Emeritus Professor William Louden.

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