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A visiting International Doctor will give a free talk about “Brain Health” on Bribie Island on Friday 1st November.

We all have one (Brain that is), and all are very different, but we don’t know much about looking after them.

Dr William Code comes from Vancouver Island in Canada and is an anaesthesiologist, integrative medicine specialist, and acclaimed international speaker and author.

A medical practitioner for 40 years, he studied integrative medicine at the University of Arizona, and is a leading expert in “Pain Management & Brain Health”.

He has had his own 22-year journey with MS and has written three best-selling books.

He is in Australia to promote his latest book “Solving the Brain Puzzle”.

There are so many different ways that our own Brain can behave as we progress through life.

Some people have great memories, others seem very intelligent, while others may change over time.

Some are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease or other brain related illness which can be devastating. 

Here is an opportunity to hear a presentation by an International Specialist speaking about “Brain Health”, here on Bribie, with valuable insights for everyone.

This Canadian Doctor and author is visiting Bribie Island for a few days and has agreed to give a free public presentation at U3A.

“Solving the Brain Puzzle”

Reviewers of Dr Codes latest book have made the following comments

 “A very comprehensive and well researched book” and “The information in this book is incredible, easy to read and understand” and “A true book of knowledge and understanding”

Free Public Talk on Bribie Island

This presentation on FRIDAY 1st NOVEMBER is open to the public and will be at U3A, in the Recreation Hall on First Avenue commencing at 1pm

Following the 60-minute presentation there will be Questions and Answers, and Afternoon Tea for $2,

Booking is essential so please phone U3A during office hours on 3408 1450 or add your name to the list on U3A Notice Board.

Phone: 0447 007 966


Postal Address: PO Box 1019 Bongaree Qld 4507

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