Federal Member for Longman Terry Young MP says he has been left concerned by confronting video evidence showing the mistreatment of former racing and harness horses at an abattoir in Queensland.
Mr Young said ensuring the welfare of all animals is something the Morrison Government takes very seriously.
“I can certainly understand why many people are finding this footage extremely upsetting and disturbing.
The state and territory governments are responsible for animal welfare in their jurisdictions and I urge the Queensland authorities to investigate this matter. I know that the Morrison Government is in contact with the states regarding this matter,” Mr Young said.
Mr Young said he will also be urging the Department of Agriculture to make contact with the states to give him confidence that the rules are being applied.
“Racing industry bodies have rules or policies to minimise the number of unwanted horses or to rehome them at the end of their racing career,” he said.
“It is important that these rules are enforced and that industry participants respect these animals and the law.”