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New supervisor course helps steer learner drivers

A new online course has been launched to help Queensland parents teach their kids how to drive.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the PrepL Supervisor Course had been launched after the success of PrepL, the new online learning and assessment program for learners.

"Learner drivers are like sponges. They are rapidly absorbing information about driving,” Mr Bailey said.

“The PrepL Supervisor Course includes a 30-question quiz for users to test their road rules knowledge.

“Based on their results, the course provides tailored road rule information to address any gaps.

“We recognise teaching a learner driver is a tough job and this course will make it a more rewarding experience for learners and their supervisors.

Mr Bailey said the course would also help supervisors deal with stressful situations.

“The course includes specialist guides and lesson plans for supervisors, which start with the basics and progress to more complex situations,” he said.

“Too much stress during a driving session is not a good outcome and the course includes information to help supervisors communicate effectively with their learner.

"Being a safe driver is a lifelong commitment. As a supervisor, your commitment to safe driving and the positive influence you can have will be something they can carry with them throughout their driving life.”

The course was developed in consultation with the driver trainer industry and road safety experts. 

The PrepL Supervisor Course is now available from the QGov website at

The course costs $15.25 for 12-month access.

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