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Bribie Island U3A Handcraft Group supporting Bribie Island Respite and Support Services

The U3A Handcraft Group has been meeting every Tuesday morning at U3A here on Bribie Island for the past eight years. The group has a long standing membership who are generous of their time and donations to the community. The group recently held a stall at the U3A markets , they raised $700 which they are kindly donating to Bribie Respite and Support Services. This money will assist in the fit out of the Cottage Respite building at the Centre. The Cottage building is being renovated to a modern 4 bedroom home which can accommodate Frail Older people as well as Young People with Disability who require overnight respite and wish to stay in the local community.

Phone: 0447 007 966



Postal Address: PO Box 1019 Bongaree Qld 4507


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