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Bribie Island Golf Club Ladies Results from 19th November 2019 to 3rd December, 2019:

TUES 19/11/19. 4BBB Stableford. Sponsor Bribie Skin Care Clinic. Winners C Loimaranta & L’Estrange 48, R/U M Dickson & C Price 46 C/B, 2nd R/U D Dunn & H Winterflood 46. NTP’s Hole 4 C Loimaranta, Hole 7 J L’Estrange, Hole 14 S Vallely, Hole 16 J Umlauft, Hole 7 Div 3 2nd Shot S Wagg.

TUES 26/11/19. Single Stroke. Sponsor White Lady Funerals. Div 1: Winner V Jones 71, R/U S Smith 72. Div 2: Winner H Winterflood 68, R/U L Brooks 69. Div 3: Winner L Healy 70 C/B, R/U A Roberts 70 C/B.NTP Hole 4 H McDonald, Hole 7 J De Ruyter, Hole 14 L Brook, Hole 16 R Gardiner, Hole 7 Div 3 2nd Shot S Ferrante.

THUR 28/11/19. Single Stroke. Div 1: Winner M Thomsen 70, R/U C Watson 75 C/B, NTP Hole 4 J McCowan, Hole 7 A Rogers, Hole 14 R Gardiner. Div 2: Winner J Umlauft 69, R/U J Jordan 71, NTP Hole 4 J Umlauft, Hole 7 S Brown, Hole 14 L Cockerell, Hole 16 T Keily. Div 3: Winner S Tailford 72 C/B, R/U B De Graaf 72 C/B. NTP Hole 7 A Jordan, Hole 14 S Tailford, Hole 16 M Stoddart.

Medal of Medal Playoffs. Div 1: M Thomsen 70. Div 2: J Umlauft 69. Div 3: S Barry 74.

TUES 3/12/19. Single Stableford. Div 1 Winner J De Ruyter 40, R/U D Benghamy 38 C/B, 2nd R/U S Vallely 38 C/B.  Div 2 Winner L Beaven 40, R/U F Jackson 39, 2nd R/U D Croft 38. Div 3 Winner C Thomas 41, R/U M Bennett 36, 2nd R/U H McDonnell 35. NTP’s Hole 4 H McDonnell, Hole 7 L Buxton, Hole 14 J L’Estrange, Hole 16 D Benghamy, Hole 7 Div 3 2nd Shot S Barnulf.

On the left is Div 3 winner is Shirley Barry, middle is Div 1 winner

Myra Thomsen and on the right is Div 2 winner Judy Umlauft.

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