Hello Readers
Welcome to issue 45 and our Xmas issue of the LOCAL News. What a year it’s been! This issue you will see our local politicians both Federal and State fighting to get our Bribie Island Road upgraded, why is it taking so long?
You will also see what is happening in our region and the free local events over the Xmas and New Year. Cranky Lizard is fast becoming a very well-read column and in the letters to the editor you will see some communication from our readers and Cranky responds to them.
Have a look at our Colouring in competition, there are so many talented young children in our region. It really has become very popular our colouring and I would like to thank each and everyone of you who has entered.
You don’t need to leave our region to buy your Xmas Presents, our local businesses have a wide range of stock, so please support them.
Lastly the Team from the LOCAL News would like to wish all readers a very Merry Christmas and an exceptional New Year for 2020.
Enjoy your break with Family and Friends and create wonderful memories.
Warm regards
Belinda Ferguson