Federal Member for Longman Terry Young MP says the fight for federal funding to accommodate overnight respite on Bribie Island is beginning to take shape.
Mr Young took Federal Health Minister the Hon. Greg Hunt to the Bribie Respite Centre in late August this year, following a Health Forum at the Bribie Island RSL which saw 200 locals register to attend, where Bribie Respite Centre Services Manager Joanne Allison-Schouw outlined the plan for the future of the Bribie Respite to Minister Hunt and Mr Young.
Ms Allison-Schouw said she was encouraged by the meeting.
“Although the minister made no promises, as this is actually under the State’s responsibilities, the Federal government have funded this type of project before.
“I encouraged Mr Young to pursue it with the relevant ministers.”
Mr Young met with the Minister for the Aged, Youth and Sport Senator Richard Colebeck in September and after the meeting was quietly confident of getting the funding.
“Due to the fact that this financial year’s budgets were done prior to the May 18 election, it has proved a problem with getting project funding up and running immediately.
“However, they are fast learning in Canberra how dogged I can be when I am fighting for the people of Longman.”