U3A Beachmere finished it’s first year with a huge End of Year Celebration and Award presentation.
The Ukulele classes and the Singalong class combined to lead the more than 80 attendees in carols and songs under the direction of Linda Hoare and Ann Watts.
The inaugural Above and Beyond Award was presented to Robyn Wheeldon, who was voted by her peers as the student or member who has done that little bit extra to support U3A Beachmere and it’s students. “Long Service” Awards were also presented to Tutors who had completed all four terms.
With membership nearing 300, Chair Mary Brown thanked all the tutors, volunteers and committee who had worked tirelessly all year to ensure U3A Beachmere’s success.
“Sign On for Term One 2020 has been very strong already, and the office will open on Thursday, 30 and Friday, 31 January for Sign On again.
“We look forward to welcoming everyone back for a new school year from Tuesday, 3 February, with some fabulous classes and workshops. I encourage everyone to get involved and support U3A Beachmere. It’s such an amazing resource for Beachmere.”
For more information contact U3A Beachmere on 0456 685 736 or email u3a@bang.org.au.