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Limited vacancies exist in more than 90 of the courses being offered for term 1 of 2020. A complete daily course timetable and brief course outlines are available on the website or pick up a copy at the Bribie Library, Information and Neighbourhood Centres.

For those with a love of poetry there is the Poetry Appreciation course which meets monthly to explore and discuss poems around a theme and the Poets’ Corner full year course which offers an in- depth investigation and celebration of poetry culminating in the production of an anthology of poems written by the members. Shakespeare Plays –Top Hits, Classic Novels and the monthly Book Discussion group offer more opportunities for those with a love of literature

Seeing Life Differently provides the opportunity to examine strategies to help manage the challenges of life while the various yoga courses, as well as the Tai-Chi Chaun and Tai-Chi Beginners courses, provide a calming environment to benefit both the body and mind.

There is always a demand for art courses. Offering the opportunity to learn basic drawing skills and apply this to working in ink and ink washes is the 2 term Pen Plus Beginners course, while there are also minimal vacancies in at least 8 other art courses using a variety of mediums

The Trading Academy course provides an introduction to share trading and the best methods to produce profitable results, while the weekly Trivia Quiz provides a challenge and the opportunity to display your general knowledge and socialise with others.

The challenge of learning a second language continues to attract new members.  Whether it is Chinese Mandarin , French for Travellers, German, Spanish, Indonesian or Italian there are limited vacancies in some for beginners. Opportunities exist for those with some previous experience through to courses catering for those with more advanced conversational skills.

Science based courses include Astronomy for Beginners,  the 1 term course How Life Works and Exploring DNA and DNA Testing , a 6 week course, combining science and Genealogy. The lovers of history are catered for with Development of the Modern World,  Inventions and Discoveries in History and Äustralia-History and an Introduction to Bribie Island History.

Dance courses in Greek dancing, Jazz, Ballroom , Salsa, Rock and Roll and Line Dancing  all provide a great way to exercise, meet new people and have fun .

Lawn Bowls, Boules, Croquet and Pickleball provide opportunities to interact in outdoor sports, while, for those who prefer indoor table games, there are vacancies in Cards 500, Canasta, Mah Jong, Scrabble and Bridge for Beginners.


U3A  is on holiday until Term 1 commences on Tuesday 28th January. Term 1 will run for 10 weeks until Friday 3rd April

Enrolment for available Term 1 classes will take place at the U3A Centre, Recreation Hall, First Avenue on Saturday 18th January from 9am till noon, and on Wednesday 22 January between 9am and 11am.


The annual “Masters & Apprentices” art exhibition by many U3A Art Classes goes on show at the Community Arts Centre for two weeks in late January.

This wide range of Art Works were developed over many months, and include multiple styles of creative art, including Watercolour, Acrylic, Pencil, Pen and Mixed Media, Silk Painting and Print. This exhibition will open your eyes to a range of works done at U3A by beginners and experienced Masters.

  Master Artist –Ross Elliot

The exhibition can be viewed between January 21 and February 2nd at the Community Arts Centre on Sunderland Drive, Banksia Beach, which is open every day except Monday from 10 am till 4pm ,

Come along to enjoy and support this wonderful display of local talent with your friends and family, and stay for drink and snack at the Gallery Café.

Phone: 0447 007 966


Postal Address: PO Box 1019 Bongaree Qld 4507

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