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A message from Simone Wilson MP, State Member for Pumicestone

We want Pumicestone residents to be part of something special this ANZAC Day and we need your help to spread the word!

Whilst we may not be able to stand shoulder to shoulder as we remember them in 2020, we want to capture this year's ANZAC Day and how residents commemorated it in the Pumicestone Electorate ANZAC Day Time Capsule.

This initiative is supported by the Bribie Island RSL Sub Branch and Bribie Island Vietnam Veteran Association and it's easy to be part of this. Residents of all ages can submit a picture of how they commemorated ANZAC Day (if you were part of 'light up the dawn' take a pic); write a short story of what Anzac Day means to you; or write a message to our brave men and women who came before us and those who continue to serve for us.

The Pumicestone Time Capsule will be buried in Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park later in the year and to be opened 20 years from now on 25 April 2040.

Your support in spreading the word through community channel’s is appreciated. Forward this email to your members, students, friends and neighbours, or if they don't have email, simply let them know. Upload it to your Facebook via the attached file.

Send your ANZAC Day Time Capsule entry to or by text to 0425 559 832 by end May 2020. If you'd like more details, please call my office on 3474 2100.

Kindest regards

Simone Wilson MP, State Member for Pumicestone

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