Anzac Day in Toorbul 2020 turned out to be a very special day. Apart, we came together, in many wonderful ways.
As usual there was the ceremony at our Memorial, at the Rural Fire Brigade Headquarters, presided over by Barry Evans, and attended by Richard Duxfield our local fire chief. Many of the community stood at their driveway at 6 am to participate in “LightuptheDawn”, and so many had small displays of poppies, rosemary, photos and candles to show our respect and reverence for those who served, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, and those who were left behind. The crafty people of Toorbul contributed hundreds of poppies – knitted, crocheted, fabric and paper – to make a large display which was part of the Fire Brigade Area devoted to our ceremony. It is a beautiful reminder of all we need to think about for Anzac Day.
Toorbul you can be very proud of your efforts for Anzac Day 2020.