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Ladies GOLF Results

Bribie Island Golf Club Ladies Results below from 14/4/20 to 23/4/2020.

Golf started up again for the Ladies on 14th April under very strict rules & only playing 1 day a week at this stage, though all very excited to be back on the course again.

Regards, Myra

TUES 14/04/2020   Single Stableford  -  Div 1 Winner: Bernie Pickering 39. R/U: Gwen Cutterbuck 35 C/B. 2nd R/U: Robyn Harper 35 C/B. 3rd R/U: Di Benghamy 35 C/B. Div 2 Winner: Ingrid Coburn 39. R/U: Suzanne Peet 33. 2nd R/U: Margaret Peterson 31. 3rd R/U: Judith L’Estrange 30.

TUES 21/04/2020   Single Stableford  -  Div 1 Winner: Abby Driver 39. R/U: Susie Smith 36. 2nd R/U: Carole Watson 35 C/B.  Div 2 Winner: Diane Fitzpatrick 37. R/U: Judith Umlauft 36.  2nd R/U: Colleen Whitney 35 C/B . Div 3 Winner: Sylvia Kuhbauch 36. R/U: Val Miller 35. 2nd R/U: Heather Croukamp 34.

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