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State LNP Lobbied for small business grants in Queensland, and it worked!

LNP State Member for Pumicestone, Simone Wilson, has thanked the thousands of Queenslanders who signed the LNP's petition calling for the Queensland State Government to provide COVID-19 small business grants to help businesses stay alive and recover through this tough time.

“I’m pleased that with the support of Queenslanders we have had a win with the Palaszczuk Labor Government's announcement today that $10,000 adaption grants will be made available for small business”, Simone said.

Simone said Queensland was the only state where small businesses were not provided with emergency assistance grants by their State Government, with financial assistance to adapt so vital for so many to survive and reopen their doors as COVID-19 restrictions start to lift.

“Quite frankly it was embarrassing that Queensland was the only State that did not have a small business grant program in the face of this pandemic.

“It was the LNP who stood up to Annastacia Palaszczuk and her Government urging them to value our small businesses and provide a helping hand when the going gets tough,” Simone said.

“The Palaszczuk Labor Government was put under pressure to deliver for small businesses but this should have been their priority from the get go.

“The worry faced by so many small business owners could have been eased much sooner had the Palaszczuk Labor Government made them a priority like other *States have.

“There are more than 438,000 small businesses in Queensland, including thousands right here in Pumicestone, and they are doing it tough right now.

“That is why we started a petition and today we had a win”, Simone said.

*New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia had introduced direct grants of between $10,000 – $17,500 for small businesses.

Details of the Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant Program can be found here:

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