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U3A Beachmere will welcome students back yesterday, 25 August in a Mini Program that showcases some of it’s most popular classes in it’s short history.

Whilst some of the other local U3A campuses will not open until early October, or even early next year, U3A Beachmere committed to the stringent CovidSAFE requirements necessary to allow students back into the classroom.

U3A Beachmere Chair, Mary Brown, said it was important for seniors to socialise as well as learn new skills and update their knowledge.

“One of U3A Beachmere’s main aims is to combat isolation and loneliness by providing an opportunity to learn in a stress-free environment.”

“It has taken a lot of organisation, and commitment, from our Committee and Volunteers to ensure that we can provide a safe environment for students to return. We all agreed that, if it was at all possible, we would organise a Program as soon as possible.”

“U3A Beachmere also has a new venue, the Beachmere Hub, Main Street, Beachmere; and the additional space has helped to ensure adequate space for classes,” Mary said.

U3A will have a short four week term commencing Monday, 24 August until Friday, 18 September, with an Introduction to Acrylics, Beginner Mosaics Workshop, Mind Matters, French and Gentle Chair Stretch.

Perhaps one of the most popular “classes” is the History and Nature Walking Group which keep fit with planned, relaxed walks taking in some of Beachmere’s history and natural features.

The Beachmere Committee are already working on the Program for Term Four and students can be assured that a larger program will be available to finish the year.

U3A Beachmere has also organised a General Meeting on Monday, 31 August at 1pm to initiate plans for incorporation. Anyone interested in being a part of this emerging and exciting new community organisation, and building the U3A presence in Beachmere, is encouraged to attend.

Covid restrictions may have created some “challenges” recently, but teamwork at U3A Beachmere has helped to provide a little glimmer of light at the end of what has been a “dim” tunnel.

For more information email or call 0456 685 736 or find the U3A Beachmere Mini Term Three Program at Beachmere U3A is open Tuesday to Friday between 9am and Noon at the Beachmere Hub, Main Street, Beachmere.

Phone: 0447 007 966


Postal Address: PO Box 1019 Bongaree Qld 4507

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