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A Substance Spawned by The Devil… Coal!

Cranky Lizard is not a climate scientist (whatever that means). Cranky Lizard is not a sociologist nor a trained historian. Cranky Lizard is definitely not a witch doctor nor a warlock. Depending on your take on things, Cranky Lizard is merely an observer of the human form.

The 2021 Glasgow Conference on climate change has concluded – and the leaders of the human race have lost their marbles.

In terms of human occupation of the Earth, a few thousand years is not much in terms of relative time in a very general sense. A few hundred years ago, sensible people living in small villages and towns in Europe and what is now known as Great Britain used to strap women to poles and drown them in the village pond “because they were witches!” And, by doing so, the villagers believed that they would make their villages safer; witches were threats to public life and peaceful order. By removing them from public life, everyone would be safer, which is a sensible and desirable general goal.

So, flick go the witches!

The only evidence needed to condemn someone as a witch was the testimony of a few other people who knew about witches. There was never any recorded evidence of witches doing any actual harm to anyone. But, as the shouting and finger-pointing increased, so did the hysteria. Common sense fled the scene, and mob rule prevailed. So witches were burned or drowned - or both.

At some later obscure point in time, commonsense returned to Europe and Great Britain; witches disappeared, and the burning and drowning of women stopped. But other dreadful things appeared. Disease, famine, vampires – The Horsemen of the Apocalypse rode roughshod across the land. Villages and towns prayed – en masse. Christian Crosses were carried in front of individuals to protect them from the nightmares. In particular, the absolute worst imaginable nightmare of all – “The End of the Earth“. This was viewed as the horror of all horrors!

Time passed, centuries unfolded, empires came and went, as they do; cruel, senseless wars engulfed us all, millions died on battlefields, on and in the oceans and in cities and towns across the globe.

Homo Sapiens, however, wobbled on, guided by the belief that we were fundamentally good, and we are! And that we have a right to be here on Earth and to use its resources to enhance our lives. And, we do that!

But, as the eternal rhythms of the Earth swayed gently over time, the old, unconquerable fear returned and now lurks, just outside of the peripheral vision of most, but not all of us.

A shocking, untouchable phantom has emerged from the ideological womb of the academic self-hatred frenzy gripping most of the Western democracies. It has been identified as “Climate Change“; but it is our old enemy – “The End of the Earth”.

It is baaack!

This whole thing was first called out as “Global Warming”, but that did not play well with the mob because most of them knew it was rubbish. But “Climate Change” … well?

It is the same old beast dressed in a shiny corporate suit. This beast has infected our universities, our political parties, state institutions, the wild-eyed, bearded mobs who superglue themselves to roads, bridges, buildings and each other, and, of course, the media have embraced the idea with embarrassing enthusiasm.

The concept of climate change has identified an incubus, a Child of the Devil… Coal: the ancient remains of trees, vegetables, grass and animals, the very stuff from which we are made.

This is the fuel that provides the energy for machines that have transformed our Earth and given warmth and light to our communities. This substance has now become the vehicle that will drive us to our Doom – “The End of the Earth”.

Elements of the human race, ordinarily sensible people, as indeed were the witch burners, have been galvanized into action. Governments have flogged protective legislature through various chambers, Australian sovereign states have handed their bums, in brown paper bags, to the modern saviours of our planet, those humans who have invented “Clean Energy Targets”.

Flushed out by the financial generosity of the Clean Energy Target programmes and excited by “the greatest moral challenge of our times“, herds of aggressive panhandlers, gimlet-eyed zealots and earnest professors in sandals and hemp shirts have nearly succeeded in closing down the coal industry.

Cranky Lizard points out that only Australia, a mere speck in the context of the global community coal emissions, has been able to see the extent of this impending tragedy for the human race. As we close down our coal industry, other larger nations are building new coal-fired powered energy plants; as you read these words, some 600 new coal-fired energy plants are under construction.

For Australia, of course, this means that thousands of fellow Australians who have done nothing wrong will become unemployed. All regional and rural communities will be forced into a long, sad, shallow dive towards irrelevance. We have already seen a sovereign state deprived of electric power during storms and the overloading of the spindly, spider-leg distribution grid that has become our national power distribution system.

Cranky Lizard sees a day when our lifestyle will change into a drab, gray twilight zone, dependant on light and energy generated by crazily spinning wind machines, whole banks of mirrors and solar panels, bizarre paddle machines in our tidal waters and diesel generators. The whole clanking, cranking mess surrounded by the corpses of thousands of orange parrots and tweak breasted night owls.

Cranky Lizard urges you all to contemplate the mad irony of this; we burn diesel-fired generators to make power instead of using clean, efficient coal.

Australia, of course, is rich in coal, we have more than most countries, and our coal is recognized as clean-burning and efficient. Logic demands that we acknowledge that using Australian black coal in the world’s power generators is a preferred option to using the brown coal torn from the bowels of Africa or South America. But no! We are too clever for that. We shall close down our black coal industry and let the world continue to burn filthy brown coal whilst we righteously hug ourselves to death in our moral cocoons.

Cranky Lizard accepts that a new source of energy is needed to power our global communities; oil, diesel, petrol and all the other derivatives will not last forever.

These fuels will not give us the power and the energy we need to thrust and drive our space vehicles into new galaxies, and we cannot sustain over 100,000 jet fuel burning aircraft in our skies forever; we simply cannot. New energy sources exist. Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, magnetic levitation remain understood but not tamed. Basic H2O, water, contains elements of ferocious, unlimited power.

Cranky Lizard suggests that we let commonsense back into the equation and direct our thoughts and intellects into developing these new energy sources. As a community, we should demand that our political leaders reject the rubbish of the Clean Energy Targets.

Cranky Lizard also points a stick at the need for community protection of vaccination. The denial of the existence of COVID-19 and not seeking vaccination evades commonsense and provides a vehicle for this virus to continue to spread amongst us.

The misinformation peddled by some pudgy, opportunistic politicians is wrong and irresponsible. Their advice is wrong - All The Time.

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