Compiled by Alistair Gray
Below is a list of the candidates standing for the House of Representatives in Longman. The list is in no particular order. The information compiled is from the information provided by candidates and, in some cases, from other sources. The goal is to give you a snapshot of the people who want to represent you in the Federal Parliament, to help you in your decision-making process. The information is not fully comprehensive, and we have provided email addresses and website details should you wish to find out more.
Terry Young – LNP – Liberal National Party
Delivering for Longman
Strong Economy – Strong Future
Terry Young has been the sitting Member of the House of Representatives for Longman since 2019. Terry is a Moreton Bay local. He has been very active in the local community, is an entrepreneur, and has had extensive experience in small businesses.
Terry Young has worked hard to support the Bribie community by having-
Bribie Island reclassified to attract more GPs and be able to employ overseas doctors to alleviate the current doctor shortage in our community,
the Centrelink, Medicare agency established at Bellara to save travel to Caboolture,
$10 million has been committed to upgrading the Bribie Road between Hickey Road and King John Creek, and the $20 million for the recently completed Old Toorbul Point Rd intersection upgrade,
established a new Southeast Queensland Veterans Centre located in Longman. The centre will ensure veterans and their families will no longer travel long distances to receive needed care and support.
The Liberal National Party's four-point plan for Longman includes-
Creating new jobs and supporting manufacturing. A strong economy will see new jobs created. The LNP is helping create jobs throughout Queensland across all sectors, including manufacturing. Our plan to lower taxes and boost investment incentives allows businesses to create jobs and make our communities stronger.
Reducing local traffic congestion – Terry is working to deliver better, safer roads and bust congestion.
Protecting our local environment – the LNP is committed to protecting and preserving our local environment for future generations and taking practical steps to address climate change. The Morrison Government's Climate Solutions Package is a realistic plan to meet our emissions reduction targets while keeping our economy strong.
Supporting families with better health and education - Terry wants to make sure families in our area have access to the best educational opportunities, from early learning to university. The LNP has delivered record investment in local schools, and over 6,400 local families benefit from the new Childcare Package.
Website: Email:
Jens Lipponer – Liberal Democrat
Jens Lipponer Stands for Real People in Parliament, Not Career Politicians
Our country needs people from all backgrounds in Parliament and not just career politicians from major parties. Whether you are a lawyer or lawn care business owner, we all matter! Diversity of experience will bring different ideas for debate resulting in a free society and better governance.
I stand for what I believe is right. To serve my community and confront the challenge of returning Australia to a course of freedom where we all can prosper and enjoy what this great country has to offer.
Others promise to fight for jobs. Where are these jobs coming from? They will come from people having confidence in the system to being willing to invest in small businesses. The only way you will get people willing to invest is to create a secure, reliable system with less red tape and more infrastructure. I am committed to less government and more freedom to employ local people to produce local goods and services.
Jens Lipponer served in the Australian Navy and has worked in the transport and construction sector, oil and gas industries, and retail.
Paula Gilbard - Animal Justice Party
A better world for animals, people, and the planet
I'm Paula Gilbard, and I will protect animals, people, and the planet. I am a BAS agent and accounting software specialist, and I'm familiar with the need to balance sustainability, growth, and resilience within a business. As an MP, I will push for agricultural food systems in harmony with the earth and wildlife.
The Animal Justice Party has three key areas that we have prioritised in this election. They are Animals, People, and the Planet.
Animals – we want to ban live exports, end factory farming, protect Australian icons (koalas & kangaroos), stop animal poisoning and animal testing, protect our pets, and establish a federal animal protection body.
People – we want to create a healthy food system, provide equality for all, prevent future pandemics, and help people and animals in times of family violence.
Planet – we want to put the planet over profit, end species extinction, protect the natural world's rights, and declare a climate emergency.
Website: Email:
Rebecca Fanning – Labor Party
Let's build a better future
Rebecca Fanning is a Caboolture local. As a health policy expert, Rebecca was part of the team delivering the Palaszczuk Government's strong health response to COVID-19. Rebecca is passionate about ensuring every family has access to the best possible health care. As a result, Labor has pledged to reopen the Morayfield Minor Accident and Illness Centre.
Labor's three-point plan for Longman includes-
Delivering the investment needed to tackle the GP Shortage Crisis, protect Medicare, and ensure our hospitals get their funding.
Creating good secure local jobs by rebuilding Australia's manufacturing industry and investing in skills for more jobs in more industries.
Easing the cost-of-living pressures by delivering cheaper electricity, childcare, and healthcare for all Australians.
Website: Email:
Ross Taylor – Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Vote for a tradie and not a politician, and bring back Australian values
Ross is a local committed to slashing red and green tape for small businesses. He wants to bolster the economy, step up and fight against domestic violence, child abuse and homelessness.
Ross wants to cut GP waiting times, provide affordable energy, and lower the cost of living. To fix our hospital system, give a fair go to seniors, and stop mandates hurting businesses and families. He wants to tear up unfair free trade agreements, have citizen-initiated referenda, flood and drought-proof Australia, and significant upgrades to the Bruce and D'Aguilar Highway.
Earl Snijders – Queensland Greens
A future for all of us
I'm a chef who operated a family restaurant and small business for 14 years. I'm running because, like so many others, I feel neglected by the politicians we elected to represent us. As a result, housing is getting more expensive, rents are skyrocketing, and it's harder for ordinary people to make ends meet. But it doesn't have to be this way.
The Greens will reduce living costs by putting dental and mental health in Medicare. In addition, we will build one million public homes, protect renter's rights, lift all income support payments above the poverty line to $88 a day, make all education free from childcare to university and TAFE, and scrap student debt.
We'll also create thousands of jobs tackling the climate crisis and give coal workers free retraining and guaranteed wage stability for ten years to rapidly reach 100% renewables with no one left behind. All our plans are independently costed and funded by making billionaires and big corporations, not just ordinary people, pay their fair share in tax - we only need a 1.5% swing to win another senator who'll fight for them in Parliament.
Stefanie Sutherland – United Australia Party
Save Australia
Stefanie Sutherland is a Longman local. Stefanie is an Accredited Health Professional and has spent over 17 years working in various sections of the health industry.
Stefanie is passionate about restoring freedom to every Australian, protecting our future generations from segregation, and allowing them the opportunity to live in a free and democratic society to pursue their passion and experience the Australian way of life.
Stefanie believes in ensuring every community member is treated with respect and dignity. She will always vote with her conscience and have my constituency's best interest at heart. She will not just vote along party lines, but I will vote for what Longman's people want, which she believes is right.
Stefanie is not only a voice but an activist for Longman and has acted upon the community's calls for a voice. Stefanie will fight for the restoration of equal rights, ending mandates, lockdowns, and vaccine passports, allowing people to return to their jobs. In addition, the United Australia Party has a raft of economic policies that will ensure the region will once again thrive not just for this generation but also for generations to come.