In 2022, the Beachmere RSL Sub-branch celebrated its 30th Anniversary, during which time it has proudly supported Veterans and Veterans’ families in the local area.
Currently we have 47 Service members, plus a handful of social members, who are predominantly family of Veterans. Our membership base consists of Navy, Army and Air Force representatives having served across several theatres including Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, East Timor, Solomon Islands and Somalia, to name but a few.
Earlier this year our last WW2 Veteran passed peacefully, aged 99. In addition to the RSL’s commemorations of ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and Vietnam Veterans Day each year, engagement in the local community is pivotal to the Sub-branch activities.
On the committee we have a number of support roles including a Schools Officer and a Cadet Liaison Officer. The interaction initiated through, these Sub-branch Officeholders, with local Schools and Cadet Units, are partnerships we are firmly committed to. Through providing support, from making presentations, commemoration preparation or financially, the ongoing care and added value benefits Veterans’ families and the younger community, at large.
One example occurred in early September, when, with much delight, C&K Beachmere Community Kindergarten received a special educational ‘activity carpet’, donated by the Beachmere RSL Sub-branch. C&K Beachmere Director, Sandra Matthews, welcomed the Sub-branch President, Chris Dennys, and Vice President, Barry Norris, to showcase the carpet and how it will benefit the classroom teachings and learnings.
“This mat will get lots of use at Kindy for group experiences such as music and stories. The squares will help the children learn about personal space as well as colour, shape and number. Beachmere State School has the same mats in the Prep classrooms,” Sandra said.
The C&K Kindy curriculum honours children as powerful learners, thinkers and active citizens facilitating them with a smoother transition into primary school.
Beachmere RSL Sub-branch is open to the entire Veteran community, whether you are 22 or 92, Navy, Army or Air Force and either gender. You are warmly invited to join our meetings which are held at 9:00 am on the second Saturday of each month, at the BCA Hall in Progress Avenue. We are here to support you and your families and in turn are calling for you to join us.
Contact with us can be made through our President, Chris Dennys 0477 962 094 and Secretary, Anthaea Dance 0477 960 487.