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Bribie Island Women’s Golf

3 November to 1 December 2022

3/11/22 Monthly Medal - Sponsors Churches of Christ in Queensland

Winner A Grade: Susie Smith 72, 1st R/U Carole Watson 74 c/b, 2nd R/U Magrit Pearce 74 c/b

NTP: Hole 7 Judy Graham, Hole 14 Suzanne Vallely, Hole 16 2nd Shot Di Benghamy

Winner B Grade: Sue Navie 69, 1st R/U Judy Umlauft 70, 2nd R/U Jenny De Ruyter 73 c/b

NTP: Hole 4 Heather Croukamp, Hole 7 Diane Fitzpatrick, Hole 14 Leanne Skeggs, Hole 16 2nd Shot Debbie Dunn

Winner C Grade: Angela Jordan 69, 1st R/U Hazel McDonnell 70, 2nd R/U Vicki Butcher 74

NTP: Hole 4 Roslyn Crossley, Hole 7 Jenny Stafford, Hole 14 Jenny Stafford, Hole 16 2nd Shot Jude Dorhauer

(Left to Right) Mark Thompson (Churches of Christ) with Susie Smith A Grade (Photo 1), with Sue Navie B Grade (Photo 2) and with Angela Jordan C Grade (Photo 3)

8/11/22 4BBB Sponsor Skin Cancer Clinic

Overall Winners: Gaby Bennett & Paula McKenzie 47, 1st R/U Suzanne Fowler & Vivienne Learoyd 46 c/b, 2nd R/U Judy Umlauft & Judy Graham 46 c/b, 3rd R/U Suzanne Vallely & Barb Newcomb 46

NTPs: Hole 4 Virginia Hayes, Hole 7 Sue Navie, Hole 14 Pauline Grooby, Hole 16 Open 2nd Shot Pauline Grooby, Hole 7 Div 3 2nd Shot Vicki Lawrence

Monthly Medal Winners

10/11/22 Medal of Medals and Single Stroke

All the ladies who had won a Monthly Medal through the year, played off in the Medal of Medals stroke round, while the rest of the field play a Single Stroke event.

A Grade Medal of Medals Winner Di Benghamy 74

Be Grade Medal of Medals Winner Vivienne Learoyd 78

C Grade Medal of Medals Winner Paula Mckenzie 77

Single Stroke (rest of field)

Overall Winner Judy Graham 72, 1st R/U Barb Newcomb 74 c/b, 2nd R/U Sue Graham 74

NTP: Hole 4 Robyn Harper, Hole 7 Vicki Jones, Hole 14 Lauren McDonald, Hole 16 Open 2nd Shot Dianne Hayward, Hole 7 Div 3 2nd Shot Vicki Lawrence.

15/11/22 Stableford

A Grade Winner: Judy Umlauft 41, 1st R/U Anna de Bondt 38, 2nd R/U Kris Tomalin 36 c/b

B Grade Winner: Lyn Beaven 40, 1st R/U Angela Jordan 34 c/b, Joan Osborne 34

NTP: Hole 4 Mary Barbeler, Hole 7 Lyn Beavan, Hole 14 Mary Barbeler, Hole 16 Open 2nd Shot Lyn Ball, Hole 7 Div 3 2nd Shot Ann Mitchell

17/11/22 No Women’s Golf due to Golf Australia Mid Amateur Championships

22/11/22 Stableford Naz and Shamin Hudda Trophy Round 4 of 4

A Grade Winner: Desley Neilson 39, 1st R/U Suzanne Fowler 38 c/b, 2nd R/U Jo McCowan 38

B Grade Winner: Vivi Lloyd 41, 1st R/U Bibby Davies 39, 2nd R/U Judith Umlauft 38 c/b

C Grade Winner: Laureen Healy 37, 1st R/U Jude Dorhauer 36 c/b, 2nd R/U Lyn Beaven 36

NTP: Hole 4 Ros Gardiner, Hole 7 Judy Graham, Hole 14 Mary Barbeler, Hole 16 Open 2nd Shot Sandra Power, Hole 7 Div 3 2nd Shot Heather Arkinstall

24/11/22 Split 6’s Sponsor Vicki Carius

Front 9 Winner: Gay Burnham & Hazel McDonnell 73 c/b, R/U Fitzie Jackson & Margaret McDonald 73. Naga: Virginia Hays & Ann Mitchell

Back 9 Winner: Ros Gardiner & Kate Wilson 72, R/U Joan Osborne & Mary Barbeler 69. Naga Jennifer Warburton & Cathy Cooke

NTP: Hole 4 Ros Gardiner, Hole 7 Myra Thomsen, Hole 14 Stina Barnulf, Hole 16 Open 2nd Shot Fitzie Jackson, Hole 7 Div 3 2nd Shot Heather Croukamp.

29/11/22 Single Stroke

A Grade Winner: Ann Rogers70 c/b, 1st R/U Suzanne Vallely 70 c/b, 2nd R/U Linda Urquhart 70

B Grade Winner: Tricia Brown 71 c/b, Leonie Buxton 71, Fitzie Jackson 72 c/b

C Grade Winner: Laureen Healey 72, Sylvia Kuhbauch 74 c/b, Leonie Pratt 74

NTP: Hole 4 Linda Urquhart, Hole 7 Lyn Cockerell, Hole 14 Sheena Bath, Hole 16 Open 2nd Shot Dianne Hayward, Hole 7 Div 3 2nd Shot Laureen Healey

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