By Alistair Gray
Congratulations to the Caboolture Gem Club Inc., Queensland’s Lapidary and Allied Craft Clubs Australia (QLACCA) award winner. The club’s treasurer Leon Allen received the perpetual trophy for the Caboolture club at the recent presentation luncheon in Dayboro. The luncheon created an excellent opportunity for all the Queensland clubs to get together to swap ideas and knowledge.
Not only did the Caboolture Club receive the top award, but several members of the club also won top individual awards. This includes the Lapidary of the Year (faceting) won by Steve Somerville, who is the club faceting instructor and Lapidary of the Year (Jewellery) won by Donna Parker, the club's silversmith instructor.
Donna was new to the competition, entered as a novice and beat all competitors, including intermediate and open-class entrants. What a fabulous result for the club! The Caboolture Gem Club meets at the Caboolture Historical Village, 280 Beerburrum Road, Caboolture. To find out more, please visit