Amelia Strazdins
It is that time of year again- of last-minute shopping, inordinate amounts of fairy lights and Christmas trees. How quickly the year has passed, it seems only yesterday we were welcoming 2020 entirely unaware of the challenges the year would bring. However, as we approach Christmas, we must reflect on how fortunate we are here in Australia. Whilst many countries around the world are dealing with spiking Covid-19 cases and families must remain separated for the holiday season, we are lucky enough to cross state boarders and celebrate with those we love. This does not allow us the opportunity to become complacent but it does mean that Christmas lunch may be a little more meaningful this year as we fully recognise the importance of family and friendship. For many of us Christmas may indeed be the highlight of the year, but for others the celebration is a reminder of the harsh impacts Covid-19, the bushfires and other events have had on families, businesses, and finances. Those who remain impacted by job loss during the pandemic will be struggling during the expensive season, only adding to the number of Australians facing the stress of the impending day. It falls on us as a community to help support these people by donating to charity, food drives or giving time to help make someone else’s celebration special this year. This year more than anything it has become clear that everyone must band together in solidarity, Christmas just provides another opportunity for Australians to display their friendly spirit and help those in need. Furthermore, we must also support small and local businesses. Many, specifically in the Bribie Island community, have given many long hours and perseverance to ensure their businesses remain open and functioning. So, this year instead of heading out to buy from massive corporations or chains stores, turn your eye to something a little closer to home. From homewares to clothing, our local businesses offer it all- with the added bonus that through your support you are helping both the local community and economy. As we all gear up for a hectic and no doubt crazy December it is important to remember to remain kind, patient and socially distant. But reminders aside, the Christmas and New Year celebrations provide us with a much-needed opportunity to celebrate and enjoy the last weeks of 2020 before we head into 2021. Whilst we many are not travelling abroad this year, or may still remain separated from those we love, it is time to enjoy the festivities and appreciate the simple luxuries we are afforded living in Australia. So to all a good Christmas, may Santa make his designated stops and may we endeavour to spread a little bit more joy in the world.