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Economic Recovery Plan for Queensland – LNP Commitment

by Fiona Gaske, LNP candidate for Pumicestone

We all hope that the worst of the spreading corona virus here may soon be over.

Everyone has been affected in some way – some more seriously than others – and even if a vaccine can be produced, our lifestyles may never be the same.

The number of casualties from this awful pandemic is declining, but my thoughts are now focussing on the huge recovery phase and the challenges we face. 

My biggest fear in the months and even years ahead is for jobs and the economy in general.   There are so many heartbreaking stories of small businesses, many of them “Mum and Dad” investments that have already left families in ruin.    Some are hanging on through direct Federal Government funding but that can’t last forever and for many, it’s sadly just stalling the inevitable.  With those closures come devastating job losses.

Queensland already has the unenviable record of the worst unemployment rate in the country and the highest number of long-term unemployed.   It’s painful to report that 234,000 Queenslanders are out of work.

Closer to home, Caboolture’s youth unemployment is among the worst in the country and, without some action, these statistics will only worsen as the pandemic takes its toll.

A state election will be held on October 31 – just 5 weeks away -and the Liberal National Party has a plan to spearhead an economic recovery by kick-starting major stimulus projects across the state, creating much needed new jobs.

The LNP is within reach of forming Government, and if elected, jobs will be at the forefront of its first 100-day action plan.  A high powered Economic Recovery Agency will report directly to the Premier.

The plan includes major new infrastructure to drought-proof inland Queensland under the New Bradfield scheme and an immediate audit of those projects stalled under the current Labor Government. Approvals across all government agencies will be fast-tracked.

Tender documents will be issued for a $1 billion major road program in south east Queensland to tackle traffic congestion.    Anyone who travelled over the EKKA long weekend will appreciate the urgency of upgrading the Bruce Highway and duplicating the M1.

The list is lengthy and comprehensive and will create thousands of new jobs.

I will continue to keep you informed of additional projects planned by the LNP, if elected, within our Pumicestone electorate such as the upgrades to the Beachmere and Bribie Island Roads, and improved emergency health services on Bribie.   

Thank you for responding so positively to the LNP plans to provide free off-peak travel on local trains for all seniors. It means that if the LNP wins government next month, all Seniors card holders will be able to travel free during off-peak times on the city train network which includes Caboolture and extends from Gympie to the Gold Coast and out to Ipswich.

Your vote is so important in electing an LNP Government and getting Queensland working again in these critical times. or 0499 444 921


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