Hi everyone, Danny and Michelle here from Island Fishing Supplies, Banksia Beach and Bellara.
We’re excited to bring you this month’s fishing report.
There has been plenty of nice sand crabs caught in the main channel. On the flats around the yabby holes on an incoming tide, the summer whiting and bream are biting well on worms and live yabbies.
Rob – whiting
Again, good numbers of summer whiting and flathead are being taken on the incoming tide at Oxley Place. The best bait for this spot is bloodworms and live yabbies.
Hunter – summer whiting
Anglers are having success with snapper off the ledge, drifting from the boat ramp to the artificial reef on the outgoing tide. Fresh gar and herring are proving to be the most effective baits.
Red Beach has been firing really well for large summer whiting on the incoming tide using bloodworms. There are also a few tailor in the area caught on metal slugs.
Jaxon – summer whiting
Good catches of tailor and mackerel are reported early in the morning, using pilchards as bait. Summer whiting are also biting well on bloodworms.
One of the favoured targets for estuarine anglers this season is the flathead. Throughout spring, larger numbers of flathead congregate throughout the passage and bay shallows as they prepare to breed.
Lyn - flathead
If you’re just getting started choosing the right lures can be overwhelming, but there’s no need to stress. Many soft plastics work well for flathead, but paddle tails, shrimp imitations, curly tails and jerk shads are all solid choices. As for colour, natural tones and bright colours are best in clear water and the darker colours are better for dirty water.
Selecting the right jig head is as important as the plastic you use. Keeping the lure close to the bottom is key—too much weight can make it look unnatural. On the flats with little current, a 1/8 - 1/6 oz jig head works well, while deeper water and drop-offs may require 1/4 - 3/8 oz to get the lure down. Always use the lightest weight possible for the conditions you’re fishing.
For flathead, a 3 – 6kg outfit will handle most situations. A 2500 series reel paired with a 7ft graphite rod makes a great combination. All of our soft plastic outfits are rigged with braid and a leader to suit.
The best time to chase flathead is a couple of hours either side of low tide, as the fish are forced off the banks into deeper water. This creates an ideal bite time, with the fish concentrated along the drop-offs.
That’s a bit of a guide to soft plastics for catching the mighty mud marlin. Get out there and start flicking!
Owen - mud crab
Make the most of our wonderful spring days, take only what you need and enjoy your fishing!
Happy fishing,
Danny & Michelle