Greetings readers of ‘the LOCAL’ newspaper,
Hi everyone, Danny and Michelle from Island Fishing Supplies, Banksia Beach and Bellara.
Very nice Flathead and Sweetlip caught on garfish fillets.
Summer Whiting and Flathead caught with live yabbies, also schools of Tailor caught around Cooks Rocks.
Tailor from the boat ramp through to the Ripples. Lots of Bream and Flathead caught around the Avon wreck.
Nice Jew have been caught at night under the Bribie bridge on live yellowtail pike, also some big Bream.
Lots and lots of Blue Swimmer Crab in the passage.
Tailor and Dart being caught at Skirmish Point.
Plenty of Bream caught in the canals, as well as Sweet Lip caught on prawns and squid.
Where to find the Bribie Elbow Slappers
Most of Bribie’s Whiting are found on sandbanks in the passage. I find the first part of the run-in tide the best time to chase these fish. The more yabbie holes, the more Whiting you will find. Also, the open beaches from South Point Red Beach through to the stretch along Woorim, is another great place to try. They love sitting behind little ledges and drop-offs on the sound banks and can be seen sitting in formation behind a mound or drop off waiting for food to drift by.
Thorpy caught these Elbow Slappers
Yabbies have always been a standout bait for Whiting. They are so easy to collect, all you need is a pump and low tide.
Another top bait is bloodworms. They also fish very well at night for Whiting. You can catch your own worms; all you need is a pitchfork. Head down to the mangroves and start digging in the mud.
Again, another exceptionally good bait for Whiting. Beachworms are hardy and stay on the hook well. You can catch your own on most surf beaches in south east Queensland.
A lot of Whiting species are schooling fish and hunt in packs. They are somewhat co-dependant on other species to feed, because most of their food sources are buried. So, they will follow certain fish and feed off any yabbies, worms or crustaceans that are brought to the surface by stingrays and shovel noses. Pretty much anything that disturbs the sand in shallow water. Whiting are arguably pound-for-pound one of the hardest fighting fish for their size. Very light gear is all that is needed and this results in so much fun when fighting the GHOSTS OF THE FLATS.
Leo Lepisto – caught a nice Tailor.
Cody caught this great Flathead.
These new soft plastics are available in both stores!
Make the most of our fantastic winter days and only take what you need.
Enjoy your fishing!
Danny and Michelle