Greetings readers of ‘the LOCAL’ newspaper!
Hi everyone, Danny and Michelle from Island Fishing Supplies, Banksia Beach and Bellara!
It has been a fantastic Summer Whiting season so far. We have received great reports from South Point Red Beach, with live bloodworms as the best bait by far.
Still the odd Tailor on lures and plenty of Flathead on the Flats, live baits and fresh herring are the go.
There is good Flathead around the sandbank off Pirate Park. Soft plastics have been working very well.
Summer Whiting, whilst they are not as plentiful at White Patch the quality has been outstanding, with 40cm plus fish and again bloodworms are the best bait.
Vibes are a very versatile lure suited to a long list of fish species. Vibes can be worked at any depth the angler wishes. Whilst primarily designed for fishing in deep structure laden water, they can also be worked just below the surface by pulling up the lure as it approaches the surface of the water, commence retrieve upon splash down. Alternatively, the lure can be allowed to reach the bottom (line goes slack) before it is worked back.
Small vibes are effective on the Flats when chasing Whiting, if they are not striking surface lures. In addition, they can be worked along the drop-offs and through deep holes during drifts between Flats, which is ideal for Whiting, Bream and Flathead.
Larger vibes lure plenty of oversized Flathead as well, so the choice is yours. Similarly, vibes are deadly on tropical estuarian species such as Barramundi, Mangrove Jacks, Queen Fish and Threadfin Salmon. Small vibes worked in drains will lure juvenile Barra one after the other and when cast to cruising Threadfin, which can result in awesome catches of these wonderful fish.
In closing,vibes are another great option to catch fish.If you have not tried them before we highly recommend them.
Make the most of our wonderful spring days and only take what you need.
Enjoy your fishing!
Danny and Michelle