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Issue 113 Fishing Report


Hi everyone, Danny and Michelle at Island Fishing Supplies, Banksia Beach and Bellara! 

Skirmish Point and Woorim Skirmish Point has seen some impressive school mackerel caught land-based from the beach at the northern end of Bribie. Metal slugs have been working very well on these. 

Sandstone Point 

Flathead are plentiful on the flats, thanks to the prawn run. Anglers fishing both land-based and by boat have had great success using soft plastics. 

White Patch White Patch has been producing quality whiting and bream on yabbies and live bloodworms in shallow water. 

Ningi Creek The upper reaches are holding good mangrove jack with live bait being the best option. Flathead have been taken on the troll toward the creek mouth and if you're after a feed of prawns, there are a few around the same areas. 






Banksia Beach The canals are fishing well for jacks, trevally and bream. Along the ledge at Banksia Beach, anglers have landed some nice grassy sweetlip on fresh squid. 


Phil caught this whiting at Banksia Beach 

Light is right 

Don’t fall into the trap of arming yourself with a heavy cumbersome outfit for this style of fishing. The numerous times I have heard from fisherman fishing for hours and haven’t caught a single thing is very common. One look at their rigs and it is clear why, huge sinkers and thick monofilament line are a recipe for disaster.   

Fishing with fresh bait on fine line, long shank hooks and tiny pieces of lead just enough to let our offering sink naturally through the water column are the best. The point is having the right bait or lure, if you don’t fish with it properly, fish are not going to be interested. 

Bait attached to a rope using an anchor for a sinker doesn’t look normal.  All you are likely to hook is a stingray, crab or pike eel.  

When lure fishing, using light braid and long fine fluoro carbon leaders is a must in clear conditions. Light presentations reduce the risk that a fish will think twice before eating your offering. Put simply, fish as light as possible with the right rod and reel and finely tuned drag, with some patience you will be surprised at the size of fish you can catch on light gear. 


Phone: 0447 007 966


Postal Address: PO Box 1019 Bongaree Qld 4507

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