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It's a lifestyle

Dr. Steven Newbery is a highly successful international businessman with extensive experience in building successful businesses and creating jobs; a geologist, a mining and business consultant and with a PhD. As a Pumicestone resident and local to Bribie Island since 2006 he also understands local issues. Dr. Steven Newbery is certainly not your typical candidate for a state election.

During the nomination process for Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party (UAP), Steven came up with the “It’s a Lifestyle” tagline for Queensland 2020 State Election Pumicestone Campaign.  Steve’s latest business venture is here in the Pumicestone Electorate and it involves the establishment of a medicinal cannabis grow facility, and downstream manufacturing and distribution hub, he is expected employ between 30 to 40 people initially and increase to employ over 100 people at full capacity.

The key local policies of raising education performance, jobs growth and employment, a reduction in living costs, high quality health care, significant infrastructure investment and international standard internet speeds were identified as the key areas for his campaign. 

A major focus for Steven once elected will be to work closely with local small businesses to help them thrive. 

Key local issues highlighted by Steven include the Bribie Island bridge redevelopment, Beachmere Road, a concept evaluation for a second bridge crossing and a solution to the congestion on Bribie Island Road. 

With regard to a reduction of living costs UAP state policies include increasing the aged pension, abolition of stamp duty and land tax and personally Steven will fight for 100% rebate for electricity, water and gas for those over 70.

Steven’s policies for jobs growth and employment for Pumicestone includes eco-tourism initiatives, an integrated development plan, the ongoing expansion of business parks and local manufacturing; all leading to local jobs. 

Health is extremely important in Pumicestone. With this in mind the UAP policy includes an on-island 24hr emergency facility and rapid response units, priority healthcare access for senior Australians and to establish physical, mental and health support facilities for younger Australians.

Steven is a proven leader with a clear vision. He is articulate with business acumen and is passionate about and understands the local area. These traits combined with a total and holistic approach to building the Pumicestone lifestyle make Dr. Steven Newbery a great choice for Pumicestone. 

Get to know Dr Steven Newbery, UAP Candidate for Pumicestone and listen to my pod cast show on the following link Steve talks about his local experience, business experience both Australia and Globally. 

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