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Ladies Golf Results

Bribie Island Ladies Golf Results below from 10/11/20 to 3/12/20 Thank you for your continued support over 2020 and will take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy and safe New Year.  I will be in touch when the comps start back up next year. 

Regards, Myra.

10/11/20 - 4BBB Stableford – Sponsor: Bribie Island Skin Cancer ClinicWinners: Shirley Barry & Sandra Power 51. R/U: Yvonne Nicklin & Lesley Heap 41. 2nd R/U: Maureen McGlone & Mary Barbeler 46. 3rd R/U: Margaret Peterson & Toni Grossmann 45 c/b.

12/11/20 – Chapman Foursomes – Sponsor: Late BloomersWinners: Val Miller & Jennifer De Ruyter 66. R/U: Lyn Ames & Nadia Aylott 69. 2nd R/U: Gwen Clutterbuck & Abby Driver 69.5 c/b. 3rd R/U: Heather Creedy & Judy Graham 69.5 c/b. 4th R/U: Jennifer Stafford & Lyn Beaven 69.5.

17/11/20 – Single Stroke – Div 1 Winner: Maree Bailey 42. R/U: Bette Dunne 40 c/b. 2nd R/U: Desley Neilson 40. 3rd R/U: Susie Smith 38. Div 2 Winner: Diane Fitzpatrick 38 c/b. R/U: Myra Dickson 38. 2nd R/U: Susan Brown 37. 3rd R/U: Bibby Davies 35. Div 3 Winner: Lorraine Latcham 38. R/U: Heather Croukamp 36. 2nd R/U: Sylvia Kuhbauch 34. 3rd R/U: Joan Osborne 33.

19/11/20 – Monthly Medal Single Stroke & Putting. Sponsor: Woorim Surfside Pharmacy. Winner Div 1: Susie Smith 71. R/U: Linda Urquhart 72. 2nd R/U: Bibby Davies 73. Best Putting: Ros Gardiner 25 Putts. Winner Div 2: Denise Shearer 74. R/U: Diane Fitzpatrick 75cb. 2nd R/U: Margaret Peterson 75. Best Putting: Annie Mitchell 27 Putts. Div 3 Winner: Heather Croukamp 72. R/U: Sylvia Kuhbauch 74. Best Putting: Angela Jordan.

24/11/20 – Single Stroke & Putting: Div 1 Winner: Margrit Pearce 69. R/U: Susie Smith 71. 2nd R/U: Sylvia White 74cb. 3rd R/U: Carol Williams 74. Best Putting: Margrit Pearce 23 Putts. Div 2 Winner: Janet Brooks 71. R/U: Judith Umlauft 74cb. 2nd R/U: Stina Barnulf 74cb. 3rd R/U: Roslyn Crossley 74. Best Putting: Jude Dorhauer 25 Putts. Div 3 Winner: Suzanne Peet 72. R/U: Joan Osborne 73. 2nd R/U: Jennnifer Stafford 76. 3rd R/U: Paula McKenzie 78. Best Putting: Hazel McDonnell 29 Putts.

26/11/20 – Split 6’s – Sponsor: Vicki Carius. Overall Winners: Robyn Cantrill & Lyndall Pinson 71. R/U: Val Smith & Myra Thomsen 70. 2nd R/U: Fitzie Jackson & Margaret McDonald 69. 3rd R/U: Paula McKenzie & Sonia Ferrante 64cb.

1/12/20 – 4 Ball Team Stableford – Overall Winners: Denise Shearer, Nina Bohan, Kris Tomalin & Desley Sullivan  51.  R/U: Lyn Cockerell, Nadia Aylott, Jody Bedson & Paula McKenzie  51.  2nd R/U: Ruby McKinnon, Angela Roberts, Margaret Peterson & Gay Burnham  50.

3/12/20 – Irish 4BBB Stableford – Overall Winners: Vicki Jones, Lyndall Pinson, Diane Fitzpatrick & Robyn Cantrill  88.  R/U: Myra Dickson, Charmaine Price, Angela Roberts & Paula McKenzie  83.  2nd R/U: Margaret Peterson Ailsa Lauchlan, Leonie Buxton & Nadia Alyott  81.


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