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Results for Bribie Island Women’s Golf

April 20 - May 11, 2023

20/4/23 – Single Stableford (2nd Round Silver Salver)

A Grade Winner: Fitzie Jackson 38 ocb, 1st R/Up Gaby Bennett 38, 2nd R/Up Paula Mckenzie 37

B Grade Winner: Jennifer Stafford 32 ocb, 1st R/Up Sue Graham 32, 2nd R/Up Angela Jordan 31 ocb

NTPs: Hole 4 Yuko Nakamura, Hole 7 Sue Navie, Hole 14 Gill Lee, Hole 16 (2nd shot) Yuko Nakamura, Hole 4 (Div 3 2nd shot) Sonia Ferrante

2023 Silver Salver Winner (Maree Bailey) and Runner Up (Debbie Dunn)

27/4/23 – 4BBB Stapleford (Ann Caird Memorial Day) sponsor Bribie RSL

Winners: Debra Dunn & Helena Winterflood 45, Runners Up: Margaret Peterson & Angela Roberts 43, 3rd Place: Leonie Buxton & Roslyn Crossley 42 ocb, 4th Place: Vivi Lloyd & Judith L’estrange 42 ocb

NTPs: Hole 4 Linda Urquhart, Hole 7 Diane Fitzpatrick, Hole 14 Ros Gardiner, Hole 16 (2nd shot) Sue Navie, Hole 4 (Div 3 2nd shot) Jennifer McKay

2/5/23 – Single Stapleford (Patron’s Bowl)

A Grade winner: Vicki Jones 40, R/Up Pauline Grooby 38, 3rd Abby Driver 37

B Grade Winner: Debra Dunn 37, R/Up Lyn Beavan 35 ocb, 3rd Maureen Bailey 35 ocb

C Grade Winner: Jennifer Mckay 36, R/Up Yvonne Nicklin 34 ocb, 3rd Roslyn Crossley 34

NTPs: Hole 4 Linda Urquhart, Hole 7 Val Smith, Hole 14 Ros Gardiner, Hole 16 (2nd shot) Judy Graham, Hole 14 (Div 3 2nd shot) Sheila Stack

Patron (Cr Brooke Savage) and Winner (Vicki Jones)

4/5/23 Monthly Medal – sponsored by Churches of Christ QLD

White Course Winner: Linda Urquhart 74, R/Up Pauline Grooby 75 cb, 3rd Jo McCowan 75 cb

NTPs: Hole 4 Linda Urquhart, Hole 16 Pauline Grooby

Best Gross: Linda Urquhart 87

Red Course Winner: Maureen Bailey 70, R/Up Judith Umlauft 73 cb, 3rd Sandra Smith 73

NTPs Hole 4 Margaret Parkinson, Hole 7 Bibby Davies, Hole 14 Judy Graham, Hole 16 (2nd shot) Val Smith

Best Gross: Sandra Smith 89

Yellow Course Winner: Jennifer Mckay 75, R/Up Angela Jordan 76, 3rd Lulu Drew 79

NTPs: Hole 4 Nadia Aylott, Hole 7 Nadia Aylott, Hole 14 Angela Jordan, Hole 16 (2nd shot) Ailsa Lauchlan

Best Gross: Ailsa Lauchlan 103

Linda Urquhart Maureen Bailey Jennifer McKay

9/5/23 – 4BBB Stableford

Winners: Judith L’estrange & Roslyn Crossley 43 cb, 2nd Tricia Brown & Lesley Heap 43 cb, 3rd Gaby Bennett & Angela Jordan 43 cb, 4th Vicki Jones & Leonie Buxton 43

NTPs: Hole 4 Vicki Jones, Hole 7 Linda Urquhart, Hole 16 (2nd shot) Di Croft, Hole 14 (Div 3 2nd shot) Jennifer Mckay

11/5/23 – Single Stroke

A Grade Winner: Sue Graham 71, 2nd Gwen Clutterbuck 72, 3rd Val Smith 73 cb

B Grade Winner: Lyn Cockerell 75, 2nd Carol Lobegeiger 77, 3rd Heather Croukamp 78

NTPs: Hole 4 Jo Malone, Hole 7 Ros Gardiner, Hole 14 Vicki Jones, Hole 16 (2nd shot) Debra Dunn, Val Smith, Linda Urquhart, Hole 14 (Div 3 2nd shot) Angela Jordan


Phone: 0447 007 966


Postal Address: PO Box 1019 Bongaree Qld 4507

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