Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman, will be the Guest Speaker at Beachmere Area Network Group’s September Forum.
BANG’s Forums offer Beachmere and surrounds residents an opportunity to meet with their local, State and Federal representatives and find out what is happening locally at each level of government.
This will be the last of the Forums for 2021 with Local Councillor for Div 2, Mark Booth, and State Member Ali King both having attended during the year.
Each Guest Speaker updates the meeting on matters under their purview which affect the Beachmere area and then questions are fielded from the floor.
The evening finishes with refreshments and an opportunity to speak with the Guest Speaker individually.
To RSVP for the Forum, email info@bang.org.au, RSVP online at www.bang.org.au
or text 0456 818 017.