By Alistair Gray
Bribie Island RSL Sub-Branch vice president Bruce Dunster, Mrs Val Franklin, retiring president George Franklin, secretary David MacDonald and treasurer Brad Collins at the recent Presidents Lunch.
George Franklin, the outgoing president of the Bribie Island RSL Sub-Branch, was recently honoured at the annual Presidents Lunch for his long and distinguished service to our veterans, the Bribie Island RSL Sub-Branch and our community. In attendance were federal, state and local members, RSL dignitaries, representatives from other RSL sub-branches, along with members and partners from the Bribie sub-branch. George is stepping down due to ill health and will be replaced by Carol Steley, the first female president of the sub-branch. We shall introduce Carol to our readers later, as she was away overseas.
Those who have met George will know how hard he works to support our local veterans and is a wealth of knowledge for those needing help. George, a Vietnam Veteran who served in the SAS, is a life member of the sub-branch and has filled almost all board positions since joining the sub-branch in 1996. He has worked hard to refocus the sub-branch priorities to serve the veterans better and improve relationships with the Bribie Island RSL and the Citizens Memorial Club Board. The sub-branch has been actively engaged with the National Servicemen’s Association to establish a memorial park and planning is progressing towards redeveloping Korea Place. George regularly attends veteran's funerals and conducts Poppy Services for the sub-branch.
George’s real passion is Community Link, which started in 1995. George has been a key driver of the program here on Bribie since its inception. The program directly links with school students through research and remembrance of the lives of Australians who have served in military conflicts. In his ‘retirement’, George will continue as the Community Link coordinator, now involving the whole country.