By now, everyone of voting age will have received the Official Referendum Booklet and the case for voting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
The case for the ‘Yes’ vote promotes the same emotional plea that we have been inundated with for months, with still no detail and substance as to why we should vote ‘Yes’. The case for the ‘No’ vote remains strengthened by what is really behind The Voice. Previous Gecko Chirps writings have already laid out in relative detail of the impact of a ‘Yes’ vote and having a Voice to Parliament and government. Gecko would like to reiterate some important points to consider.
Aboriginality. It is about time that positive action needs to be taken to identify authentic Aboriginals from those that claim to be Aboriginal. The huge increase in Aboriginals needs to be authenticated; even genuine Aboriginals are starting to comment on this. There have been many so-called Aborigines claiming Aboriginal descent that have been exposed as not having any Aboriginal blood relatives at all. The very reason we need to put a stop to this scam is because of taxpayer funded handouts to them.
First Nations People. When are we going to stop using this term? The proper term is ‘Indigenous Aboriginals’. Even Jacinta Price does not use ‘First Nations’. But we know why they use this term, because it sounds better and there is more grandeur and dignity attached to the term ‘First Nations’. Gecko mentioned that in the first issue of Gecko Chirps.
Smoking ceremonies and welcome to country – why do we persist with this rubbish. We know this is not traditional Aboriginal culture – it has been copied from other countries. We do not need a welcome to our own country! However, smoking ceremonies are great for keeping mosquitoes at bay.
Back to the Referendum. It is essential that voters actually write the word ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ on the ballot paper. Do not use ticks or crosses, nor write on the ballot paper words of profanity (even if you have a great desire to do so).
Do you know what is happening in our states regarding treaties, land rights, native title, sacred sites, etc? In Victoria, for instance, apart from what has previously been stated, in the Grampians, Mt Arapiles is now off-limits and is closed to countless climbers from all over the world because of some artifacts and sacred ground in and around the rocks. The Wimmera has lost millions of dollars in revenue as a result. The highway between Ballarat and Ararat has been closed for about three years because of a supposed birthing tree found in the area and for those three years, we have been paying security guards to protect this tree from vandalism. Black waters billabong in the Barrabool National Park has been fenced off so visitors cannot visit the area, simply because a skeleton was found in the sand hills two kilometers away! And there are many more examples. Treaties are happening in many places and as a consequence we are being locked out of our land.
Albanese thinks constitutional change and the Voice is a moderate change – really? It will only get worse if the ‘Yes’ vote succeeds and then we will all pay. The $39 billion already given each year will be modest compared to the potential future cost. Here is a direct quote from the ‘secret’ Voice documents: “Australia got a whole country for nothing; they haven’t even begun to pay for it”.
You may have noted that Julie Bishop, a former Foreign Affairs Minister, is on the ‘Yes’ campaign and has stated that Australia’s international reputation would be affected by a ‘No’ vote. In fact, a vote ‘Yes’ would raise the question of Australia’s integrity when it comes to agreeing and signing international protocols against racial discrimination – this is exactly what a ‘Yes’ vote will do – racially discriminate – giving Indigenous Aborigines preferential treatment over the rest of Australian citizens. Identifying race in a constitution has no place – aren’t we all Australians, regardless of colour or ethnicity.
Ethnicity based discrimination = racism.
Voting ‘Yes’ will divide the country into Indigenous Aborigines and the rest. The constitution is about all peoples of Australia and that includes Indigenous Aborigines. A change to the constitution is not required. What is required is a Royal Commission into why $39 billion each year has not changed the plight of those most in need. With 11 indigenous MPs in Parliament, 3273 registered Aboriginal corporations and agencies (including the NIAA – a supposed Voice to Government) and the huge number of staff, you have to ask the question – what exactly have they been doing to change the plight of those in need? Janeita Knapp, an indigenous woman, has said “…elected officials are expected to be the voice for Indigenous Australians, rather than an independent advisory body through the Voice to Parliament”. Her words. Makes sense.
Over the coming weeks we will be inundated with ads for the ‘Yes’ campaign because the government and businesses are pouring money into the campaign – millions of dollars – but nothing for the ‘No’ campaign. Kind of one-sided and biased which makes this referendum somewhat sinister, don’t you think?
Albanese and proponents of the ‘Yes’ campaign are trying to deceive the Australian people into believing that it is only to give recognition to Aborigines. If you care to brush up on your reading and do some research, you will know that there is a hidden agenda. Not so hidden now because Gecko, among many others, has told you all you need to know in previous issues to enable you to make the right decision – for ALL Australians, not just a few.
Gecko previously mentioned what was happening in other countries that have gone down this path, specifically Canada and New Zealand – they now have huge problems, because what Gecko has predicted here, has actually occurred over there.
So if Anthony Albanese thinks that the changes he wants will be just a moderate change, he is bloody dreaming.
There is plenty of evidence of Albanese and proponents of the ‘Yes’ campaign, that there is a lot more behind a ‘modest’ change to the constitution. The Uluru Statement from the Heart, Makarrata Commission, ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’ will change our way of life and Australia dramatically. Even now, treaties are being instigated, schools are changing curriculums and history is being rewritten. It has to stop.
Gecko will leave you with this ….. lyrics to the song, “I am Australian”?
‘We are one, but we are many ……… I am, you are, we are Australian”.
Vote with your head and mind, not with your heart. Bye for now…… Gecko.