Written by Amelia Strazdins
The month of April brings with it a time of reflection.
ANZAC Day, commemorated on the 25th is a time for us, as Australians and New Zealanders, to give our respects to those who have fought and given their lives for our country and our freedoms.
It is easy to become caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, so busy with work and school. Many of us do not take the time to consider those who gave their lives for the liberties and freedoms that we experience today, and possible take for granted. The 25th ensures that we, as a Nation, take time to pay our respects to all those in service, both past and present.
ANZAC day is not only a day to pay our respects but also allows us the opportunity to learn more about our history. Bribie specifically has played a role in previous conflict. Learning about our country’s, and our Islands history, ensures that we fully understand the seriousness of these sacrifices. With the emergence of more modern, and current, conflicts ANZAC day serves as a reminder of the loss of life and liberties of not only Australians, but also all the brave, courageous individuals who have fought for freedom. In taking this time to recognise these brave efforts we should think not only of our soldiers, but also our nurses and medics who dedicated their lives to protecting and caring for both soldiers and civilians. We must also consider the families, those who have lost mothers, daughters, fathers, and sons to various conflicts around the globe or who are currently under active duty. In recognising these brave acts, we keep their bravery and spirits alive, helping to preserve their valiant actions forever in history.
Perhaps one of the most significant aspects of ANZAC day are the marches, dawn services and reconnection of veterans, soldiers, and families all in commemoration. The past years have posed issues, for obvious reasons, with limits on crowds and gathering numbers. However, with the lifting of restrictions, many of those who may not have been able to attend in person services for the past couple of years will have the opportunity to give their respects at local parks and RSL’s. Bribie offers a number of services, including a dawn service, services at the RSL and the March which leaves from Apex Park. Taking the time to attend one of these services is the least we can do to show our respect and thanks to those who have given and dedicated their lives to our country. Consider where we may be, where our country may be without the bravery, mateship and courage displayed by all the men and women who have previously and continue to dedicate their lives to ensuring our protection and freedom.
We thank you for your service.