Recently on Bribie Island a group of shops on Benabrow Avenue were broken into last month and it seems all the thieves wanted was cash and not equipment.
The cost to our local business owners is huge when they are broken into, repairs on the damage the thieves have created can amount to thousands of dollars. While most businesses and homes now have camera’s installed, the thieves are wearing hoodies to cover their faces. THEY WILL BE CAUGHT IF THEY CONTINUE REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEY WEAR.
It’s hard enough surviving in a small business let alone COMMON THIEVES breaking into their businesses, causing major damage to their shops, and the community is sick of them getting away with it.
The thieves are only after cash it seems, they can’t get away with equipment these days with serial numbers all recorded, the amount of damage they do to break in to get into local business petty cash tin is costing all of us.
A word of warning – “Thieves be aware, we are watching you and we will ensure you get caught if you continue to destroy our local businesses in this way. There is no cash on any premises these days, you will be caught”
We are urging the public to keep an eye out if they are near our local shops and if you see something suspicious then call the police straight away. Police link is 131 444.